
Esperanza Rising Summary Chapter 2

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Chapter 1

Esperanza Rising begins with six-yr-old Esperanza Ortega walking with her father, whom she calls "Papa." The Ortegas are wealthy landowners in Aguas...

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Chapter 2

One-half-awake, Esperanza hears her Papa singing "Happy Birthday" to her from exterior her window. For a moment she believes that her father is still alive...

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Chapter three

Esperanza dreams that she is beingness chased and smothered by a giant comport. She wakes upwards in a fear when she hears her mother calling her name. Mama sha...

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Chapter four

To protect the women from bandits and from Tío Luis, Esperanza, Mama, and Hortensia all hide in the secret compartment at the bottom of the wagon, co...

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Chapter 5

Later several days, the railroad train ride comes to an end. Esperanza, Hortensia, Alfonso, Miguel, and Mama arrive at the Mexican-American border. Esperanza a...

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Chapter half-dozen

Everyone arrives at the campsite and Esperanza sees her new dwelling house for the first time. She is horrified - the cabin is more humble than the servants' quar...

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Chapter 7

All the adults are tired when they render domicile from working in the fields, specially Mama considering she is non used to transmission labor. As the women prepa...

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Chapter eight

Isabel gives Esperanza some last minute advice for taking care of the Pepe and Lupe as she boards the bus for her showtime day of schoolhouse. For the first t...

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Chapter 9

Esperanza throws herself into caring for Mama, refusing to get out the sick woman's side. The physician explains that Mama is neither getting better nor ...

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Chapter ten

The wintertime season gets colder, but Esperanza must spend more time outside because she has a task tying grapevines. She works tirelessly, thinking just ...

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Chapter 11

Springtime means that is time for the asparagus to exist harvested, but this year it too means the resurgence of the strike, just as Marta had predicted...

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Chapter 12

At the beginning of May, Isabel announces that she is in the running for "Queen of the May" at her school. Esperanza encourages Isabel's aspirations...

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Affiliate 13

Esperanza is distraught by the disappearance of her money, particularly since Miguel is the only person who knew her hiding spot. Almost of all, Esperanza...

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Esperanza Rising Summary Chapter 2,


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